10 Oct 2019

Past Experience with HTML

When I was younger and was introduced into HTML, I was so excited cause I was going to make my own websites. It was cool because I wanted to always make my own custom anime websites or forum so I can show my interest and what not. It’s a nice way to introduce people who are into Web Designing and show them the basics to it. But when I was making sites with html and CSS, I felt like my sites were lacking in the appealing aspects.

HTML Today

During this month of ICS 314 we got back to learning the basics of making HTML sites with CSS again and it brought back nostalgic memories back in middle school. But furthermore, we got into learning what UI Framework. My god this is what I was lacking in middle school when I learned this, and we got to learn what Semantic UI is. Semantic UI is one of the more popular UI frameworks. It uses specific premade classes that let you use commonly used structures that create the design of the application with just simple lines of text. It was so useful because I help make your html websites look more appealing and organized in a way where it doesn’t make it look basic yet unique.

Hope of Dream

After getting used to Semantic UI as well as relearning HTML and CSS I feel like making a website now is a cake walk where me in the past took a couple of days where me today could only take a couple of hours. Hopefully in the future we learn new UI Frameworks similar or better than Semantic so that I can add videos or animations to my websites to make it even more attractive and appealing to the public. I know that learning this will help me in the long run because it will help me attain my dream of making an anime website or forum for the public.