The Process Software Engineering has been a great deal for me during this semester because it focuses the computer science to a certain degree for me. This class taught me the importance on getting a deadline done and met in...
Past Experience with HTML When I was younger and was introduced into HTML, I was so excited cause I was going to make my own websites. It was cool because I wanted to always make my own custom anime websites...
Smart or Dumb? When I was young I was always been told from my peers and family that I ask the dumbest questions ever. I now look back on it yeah I do ask the dumbest questions till this day....
Learning JavaScript Learning JavaScript is a great experience for me. In a way it like learning Java again but more content. It gave me the same feeling as when I was learning C++ at the end of ICS 212. One...
What is software engineering to me? Throughout my life I have always wondered what kind of software people implement in their video games. With that me and my friends were getting into the programming phase because we wanted to create...